Monday, September 14, 2015

Chalk and Walk 2015

Before my husband's trip was moved we had planned to go out to the Chalk and Walk Festival at Crown Center this weekend. However I had to work during most of it on Saturday and we were also finishing up some last minute errands before he left. I decided that even though he left super early Sunday morning I would still go check it out. It's the first time I've been although it is the eighth year for the festival. It was a beautiful day and I'm glad I took the opportunity to get out and enjoy it.

I don't know if they give the artist a theme or not but based on what I saw I would guess that they do. There were too many video/ board game themed drawings to be a coincidence. My favorite was this Dungeons and Dragons Rulebook Cover. You can see the book being used as a reference next to the guy in the top left corner.


There were several Legend of Zelda themed pieces.

There were a variety of other video games represented including Spyro, Portal, Mario Brothers, and Metroid. Also a variety of board games, including this large Candyland piece which had a special set up to make it look 3D from the right perspective.

I also had a fun time getting photos of the fountains and dancers performing throughout the festival.

I wish I had been able to go back later in the day and see the finished versions of everything but I just didn't have time. Among other things I had to do this weeks grocery shopping on my own. Its going to be a really strange week without Bear around. The cats already miss him and have been a bit demanding of snuggles all day long. You can see more pictures on my Facebook page.

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