Thursday, September 3, 2015

Memories of a Lost Friend

I had planned make a post today about what I've learned in my first 6 months of writing this blog but life has a way of changing plans. If you've been reading lately you know that August has been a rough month for my household and it went out on the worst note of all. Monday the 31st of August, 2015, our cat Parker lost his health struggle.

He had been sick for just a little while, taking medication the previous week for a gallbladder infection. When Friday rolled around and he didn't seem to be feeling any better we talked about trying to get him back into the Vet's to see if they could do anything more for him or offer us any additional advice. Unfortunately we had some problems getting in touch with them because apparently there was some type of veterinarians conference in the area this weekend and they had a bunch of staff out of the office. We ended up calling the after hours emergency number Sunday morning because we had trouble  feeding him. The Vet we talked to there said based on our description of things nothing sounded like a real emergency but we could either bring him in just in case or try to wait to take him to the regular vet on Monday and avoid paying a bunch of emergency fee. They stressed that if we changed our mind they are open 24 hours so we could always bring him in later.

So we kept an eye on him. He seemed all right. Still sick but alright. He got up and wandered around, hopped up on the couch to sit by his brothers, and we tried feeding him again and it was much easier that time. So we waited. Monday morning when my husband tried to feed him breakfast he wouldn't lift his head... Our vet's office didn't have any openings so we rushed him to the nearest animal hospital. He was not doing well....his ears were jaundiced, he had fluids around his stomach, low blood pressure, and his nose started to run with some kind of thick goopy nose gunk. We had to let him go and it was the hardest thing in the world to do, we couldn't stand to see him in so much pain.

This situation has renewed my interest in a project that I've started before but never made much progress on and that is creating  a scrapbook that focuses on the personalities of each of our cats. Kind of like a baby book for cats, or a personality profile of sorts. Because we are still paying off the vet bills from our boys being sick this month I don't have any spare cash for supplies or photo prints at the moment but I've started writing up information for all of our cats. Here's all you wanted to know about the great Parker cat.

How he joined the family: Parker and Balder are brothers who belong to a litter of kitten from two of my in-laws' cats. They had trouble finding homes for all of them so we ended up keeping both even though we were already at the pet limit for our apartment. (We were already planning to move soon.)

Origin of Name: When he was a tiny kitten Parker would climb back and forth along the front of the couch hanging either sideways or upside down, so we decided to name him after Spider-man, Peter Parker.

Favorite Treat: Tuna

Favorite Toy: Anything with Feathers. When he was small we could lift the feather stick up and he would dangle from it instead of letting go. He also ripped the guts out of a little stuffed bird with feathers and we had to get my Mom to sew its stuffing back in so he could play with it again. He would actually grab the bird with his teeth, fling it up in the air and then chase it, like playing catch with himself. It would keep him occupied for hours.

Favorite Sleeping Spot: On our feet or snuggled under my arm like a teddy bear

Favorite Snuggle Spot: laying on you chest with his head on you shoulder

Worst Habit: Licking plastic bags (usually at night when everyone is trying to sleep) and knocking over the water bottle

Best Traits: 1. Extremely tolerant, little fussing over baths, claw trims or other such things, allowed me to hold him up and wave his paws around like he was dancing, would probably have let us dress him up 2. very friendly, first to greet new people or animals in the house and the first to really welcome our new kitten 3. always there to snuggle when you don't feel well  4. the only cat we had that actually wanted to scratch the scratching post instead of our couch or carpet

He kept that bow on for a whole 5 minutes before even trying to get rid of it.

Likes: feathers, looking out the window, catching snakes and crickets that find their way into the house, almost all people, any kind of petting or scratches, sitting under the Christmas tree, watching leaves fall, belly rubs, keeping you company while you shower/ bathe (next to the shower never in the water)

Dislikes: Thunder, dirty litter boxes, kids and babies (When our nephew was a newborn and on the floor at our house Parker came to investigate and unfortunately the baby flailed his arms and punched him right in the noise and ever since then little people freaked him out. I think he would have eventually gotten over his fear and been great with kids.)

Strangest Trait: Sitting up like a person

Trick to wake up his humans: getting right up by your face and then licking your face or arm

So now you know all about one of our cats. I may do profiles for the rest of them here at a latter date and will definitely be showing scrapbook pages whenever I complete them. I'll also probably go back and write about my 6 month blogging anniversary sometime later this month. Until then remember to stop and snuggle all your pets and loved ones while you can.

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