Monday, August 10, 2015

Honey Festival Game Handouts

Due to our trip out of town last weekend my husband is running his game two weekends in a row. (It usually alternates weekends with another campaign.) So I spent the weekend preparing for his next session. First of all I finished up the mansion map for the session on the 8th. I went back over all the lines with black marker so it would be easier for players to see from a distance. Then I started adding color. The ground floor and basement are entirely stone so I used a grey crayon to color in the large area. To add a bit of texture I actually colored on our cooler so it picked up a bit of the pebbly texture. The stairs and upper floors are brown to represent wood.

Next I used watercolor to create a pond in the courtyard and fill in the garden around it. I'm really happy with the way the ripples in the pool turned out but not so excited about the edge around it. I tried to add a bit of yellow to represent a bit of shore or more gradual change but it didn't work quite the way I envisioned. Still it turned out great overall. This particular location was destroyed in the course of the adventure but we plan to keep the map in case it might be useful for something later. Nothing says that another noble somewhere didn't use the same base plan.

Next week the party arrives in Port Leyer just in time for the annual honey festival. The adventure is connected both to the festival itself and to other people who are in town to celebrate. To help make locations more memorable we are trying to make up details for each town that are memorable. So for the upcoming game session I've made flyers for the Honey Festival and a menu for the inn where the party is staying.

I started out by making both in Photoshop and then added in some extra details after printing. And yes I do know that 'schedule' is spelled wrong. It was a typo that I didn't catch before I printed it and Bear said to just leave it. It just adds more character...maybe the poor town scribe can't spell, who knows.

I made the watercolor a bit too wet and it seeped under the stencil. I may try again before the weekend to see if I can get one with more clearly defined edges but if not its not a huge deal. I also have a version of the menu where I added splatters and drink rings using photoshop brushes I have. The plan is to cut them apart into separate menus and give everyone a copy as a fun in game handout.

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