Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sick Cat Worries

I'm not posting anything about crafts today because I've been distracted by worrying about our cat Balder.

He Loves belly rubs!

I had actually been meaning to post an update on how all of our cats are getting along with the new kitten and how's he's fitting in. We've been happy to have him even though he brought home a cold and apparently ringworm. For the last few weeks the sneezing has died down and most of the ringworm spots were healing up. Balder hadn't had any spots until about two weeks ago he suddenly had about a  2 inch spot on one of his shoulders. Still everything seemed fine, we were medicating it regularly and it seemed to be starting to heal.

Tuesday morning everything was fine. He came and had breakfast with everyone and seemed to be doing well, but when I came home from work he was laying under an end table and didn't show any interest in coming out. When we feed the cats dinner he came but he was slow about it and my husband said it looked like his leg was hurting him. We have had problems before with him having a urinary tract infection and that made it uncomfortable for him to walk and jump. However the problems with Samira (our cat who passed last year) started out with her refusing to eat anything on her own so we were both concerned. Then yesterday when he didn't come out for breakfast we immediately called the Vet's office to schedule an appointment.

Balder as a much lighter colored kitten
We dropped him off at the Vet's around 9 and got a call around 10:30 to authorize some blood tests. Other then that we haven't heard anything. As of 5:30 last night they didn't have the results back and because of that decided to keep him there overnight. We have no idea what might be wrong with him and are super worried. We are hopeful everything will be fine, that it will be something easily treatable but at the same time terrified that we will lose him. So we are trying to keep busy and not dwell on things that are out of hands at the moment.

Update 8/16/15
So Thursday we didn't hear anything from the Vet's office until my husband called them in the afternoon. He found out that Balder had some type of gastrointestinal infection and a fever. They gave him a bunch of antibiotics and we got special food to help him out. He had a follow up appointment on Saturday to check on him. Balder loves to sleep by my husband at night so Jeremiah actually spent Thursday night on the floor next to him. Friday morning we woke up to find that he'd moved into the dining room to sit in the sun. It seemed like he'd been having trouble getting around but that meant that he was getting around better. He even came over to the food bowl but he only ate like two bites. So my husband fed him some of the special food and Balder laid back down on the blankets in the living room.

Later that day he wandered to the food bowl and ate some more on his own. He had some water and used the litter box, all of this were good signs. At dinner time he ate some of his food on his own but we had to force feed him the rest. Saturday morning we took him for his check up and his temperature was down. They said that we should bring him back on Monday for another check in unless he is eating on his own. If he is we just need to call them and let them know.

 When we got him home he totally ate all of his special breakfast food. We are excited that he seems to be feeling better. He has been eating whatever food we bring to him and snacking on the other food occasionally. He still doesn't come over to eat on his own, we have to take it to him but we are sure that he'll be feeling like himself again soon.

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