Thursday, January 14, 2016

Shipwright Plans

I am a bit behind schedule this week due to the fact that about half of day Monday was spent taking care of a flat tire. Luckily it wasn't nearly as cold as it had been over the weekend, but mean that some of my errands got pushed back to other days. Such as taking down our Christmas decorations. That also ended up taking extra time because I wanted to snap a few photos of our special ornament for this year to scrapbook later. I found exactly the right one, a passport to commemorate my husband's business trip to Canada. (Also his first international travel and first time flying ever.)

Making the airship for my husband's game has moved to the top of my to-do list. Now that the holidays are over they should be starting up soon. Since this entire story arc revolves around the party receiving their own airship he wants to have a sturdy reuseable ship plan before that happens. Right now we just have a very rough idea of the layout. We started with a list of rooms/ areas that it needs to have and have been looking at plans online for sailing ships and spaceships. Just for fun I also looked up plans for Spelljammer ships, which are surprisingly useful if you ignore some of the bizarre animal shapes.

Because regular ships don't include spellcaster's quarters
It also helps that we both just finished reading the Aeronaut's Windlass by Jim Butcher which has some pretty cool airships. Which happen to be powered by crystals similar to what my husband envisioned when he started developing his world a few years ago. Only a small portion of the story actually takes place on board but the airship battles are very well written, taking into account a ship's ability to tilt sideways and make attacks from both above and below the enemy. If you're interested in steampunk style stories you should definitely check it out.

Speaking of Spelljammer..... I'm going to leave you with this picture of everyone's favorite miniature giant space hamster Boo.

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