Monday, January 18, 2016

Airship Rough Draft

We spent most of the weekend running errands and catching up on some much neglected housework. In spare moments around those errands we talked about the plans for the airship. After some discussion we have blocked out a rough layout. The size isn't totally set and we haven't even added in passages or stairs from level to level. Most likely it will be adjusted to be narrower and more streamlined.

Most of the areas are only roughly blocked in. For example numbers 6 and 7 on the passenger level map above just show the areas where crew and passenger quarter's will be, they don't show how the space will be broken down into smaller rooms.

My sketch of the exterior isn't very good. It looks kind of like an old space shuttle but the actual ship was built for a member of the elven royal family so it should be streamlined and pretty and somewhat natural looking. But that gives some kind of idea of how all the levels line up and connect. We actually have already discussed adding pilots' quarters to the bridge level so they are closer to the bridge when needed. The airships in this world are magically controlled and can only be piloted by trained members of the Navigator's Guild so it makes sense to have at least two on board.

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