Monday, June 22, 2015

Zoo Trip

I'm making two posts today because I promised pictures from the zoo before we decided to get a kitten and he took over today's post.

Friday my husband and I went out to the Kansas City Zoo. Its so big that it takes a really long time to see everything and  we used to stay all day to feel like we got our moneys worth. But last year we had a friends of the zoo membership and we actually ended up going to the zoo more often because we felt like we could stay for just a few hours and leave. Around Christmas we went for just around an hour to see the lions open up their gifts and then left without feeling bad.

This week I specifically wanted to try to get more pictures of the otters to use for cover photos. Things didn't really work out for that but we still had a nice time. First of all it was really hot out so we didn't stay as long as we might have. Second there were several busloads of kids there so it made it hard to see some of the animals due to crowds and loud noises. Finally because it was really sunny I had some problems with glare off the glass at many of the exhibits.

The zoo also has a baby gorilla so we really wanted to try and see him. His mom was sitting in a corner holding him and it was super packed and hard to get close. I wasn't fast enough with the camera to get a shot of him sticking his tongue out but I did get this picture...

Also this picture of a gorilla who didn't seem to excited about the increased crowds around the exhibit.

Even though it was a short trip on a hot, crowded day we still had a good time and managed to get some nice pictures.

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