Sunday, March 15, 2015

Dresden Files Quiet Book- Part Two

We are super busy this weekend. We have a big party on Saturday for Pi Day and on Sunday we are playing in our first ever 5th Edition game of Dungeons and Dragons. We also have shopping to do for a short overnight camping trip on Monday. While we are out having fun check out the final page of my Dresden Files quiet book.

Page 5- Sue the Zombie T-Rex

If you've never read the Dresden Files this won't make much sense to you but nearly everyone I know has the same favorite scene. Harry Dresden riding an animated zombie T-Rex created from Sue at the Chicago Field Museum.

Sharpie or fabric marker

Step One: Cut dinosaur bones out of felt and sew a bit of Velcro to the back of each.

Step Two: Add matching pieces of Velcro to page.

Step Three: Cut out a 'crate' to hold the pieces and sew it to the page.

Step Four: Write directions on the crate and party with a zombie T-Rex.

Putting the Book Together

Felt for front and back cover
Felt Piece for decoration
Metal Eyelets (and tools to apply them)

Step One: Decorate the cover. I kept mine super simple with a file folder cutout. 
              A: Cut out folder shape.
              B: Make stencil for title.
              C: Stencil title onto file folder with paint.

Step Two: Decide on the order you want the pages to go in. Put the back sides together and sew around the edges. Sewing the pages together hides all the random stitches on the back and adds a bit of stability.

Step Three: Add eyelets to each set of pages. I used 5 spaced evenly between the top and bottom.

Step Four: Cut a long piece of ribbon and lace the pages together kind of like lacing up a shoe. Tie the ribbon in a bow at the top and you are done!

Hope you all enjoyed the book and have a great weekend!


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