Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter and the Symphony

This weekend we had the opportunity to see The Legend of Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses. It includes music from all of the Legend of Zelda games and a giant screen showing video from the games as well. We had seats in the very, very back but were still able to see everything just fine and had a fabulous time. I was hoping to able to purchase a CD with the music to listen to later but apparently they aren't available.

I'm not great at taking selfies.

We didn't have any big Easter plans, mostly we just wanted to have time to relax. With a puppy in the house, our sleep schedules have been disrupted and we've also been more active, taking him for walks and such. We needed a day where we did nothing.

Family nap time! You can just see Gil on the floor at the corner of the couch.
My husband has had the worst of it since he's been the one to get up and take him out in the middle of the night. It snowed Easter morning and Gil didn't like being out but by the afternoon, it was sunny again.

I feel like I should apologize for the fact that Gil has sort of taken over the blog and become the only thing I talk about anymore. But I promise it won't be that way forever, it is just that he is causing lots of changes and because he's still so young, taking up lots of time as well. Once we get back to a point where I don't have to check on him every time he leaves the room to be sure he isn't getting into something or peeing everywhere, I'll be able to get more crafting done.

I bought some cute Easter fabric to make him a bandana but didn't find the time to get it done before the weekend. I will still try to get it finished, maybe if I make it a bit big it will still be the right size next year?

We also took him out on Easter for a puppy play date and he got to meet a bunch of new people and our friend's dog. After we got home he was super tired but not to worn out to chew on his new bone.

Our cat Curry has also decided that Gil is okay and they are becoming friends so that will help keep him entertained some. I took this video of the two of them playing together with our tie fighter cat teaser.

Hope everyone had an awesome Easter and thanks for putting up with all the puppy updates!

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