Monday, December 7, 2015

Merry Sithmas

I had fully intended to have my Star Wars dress finished and ready to show off. However, I came to a point where I needed to thread the straps through a gap left open in a previous step only to realize that I had accidently sewn the space shut. . .  For about the fourth time. That particular portion of the dress has several layers and its seems like every time I added on I had to go back and redo it because of that gap accidently getting closed. They have been reopened and all I need to do is stitch the straps in place and hem the skirt. It will take me a bit because they are supposed to be hand sewn, to help hide the stitching, and I'm not great at that kind of work.

I've been so wrapped up in trying to finish all the things I want to have for the Force Awakens that I've spaced out on Christmas. I don't mean to say I forgot about it. Christmas is my favorite holiday and I was disappointed that we couldn't get our tree last weekend. But I haven't given any thought to what I might be giving as gifts or when I'm going to find time to shop for said gifts. I suddenly realized that I have just three weeks to do everything . . . make the tulle skirt and hat I wanted to go with my dress, decorate for Christmas, shop and wrap all our gifts, and also read the next Star Wars novel that I have from the library. We are also rewatching the Star Wars movies, prequels this weekend and the original trilogy next.

We did get our tree up yesterday but no decorations yet. We had a bit of a problem when we brought it in because we realized that part of our stand was broken so we had to go back out and purchase a new one. Our tree last year was absolutely beautiful, very full and tall. This year we decided to get something smaller because we aren't sure how Curry will react. We've had wonderful luck with our cats so far in that mostly they just want to sit under the tree and look up at the branches and lights. Curry is much more rambunctious and we hope to minimize the damage in case he decides to climb it and topple everything. It's still a good looking tree, just tall enough for our ceilings and nice and full, just not as wide as last years.

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