Monday, October 5, 2015

My Crafting To Do List

This weekend ended up being much busier than expected. My birthday was great but we did a lot more walking than usual so my legs got achy. I got some really good pictures at the Arboretum that you can see in this post. My favorites are the raptor stagecoach robbery at the train garden and the shots up at the trees. I was kind of hoping we could see some nice fall colors but for the most part it was still really green.


Our lunch was awesome and we had a great afternoon at the Nelson-Atkins and enjoyed a great concert by the Kansas City Community Orchestra. Then I worked in the morning Friday. We ran some errands Saturday morning and I worked Saturday night. I also went into work for a few hours early Sunday morning even though it's usually my day off to help with a big project... So with the weekend all taken up with work and errands I didn't get to any of the craft work I had planned.

Turkey Sandwich
Chicken Z-man
What did I intend to work on? Well I found just the right fabric to finish my Erza hair bow and I bought needles with a larger eye so I can attach them with wire. I intended to finally get around to transferring my critter quilt designs to fabric so I could start embroidery. I also finally found (well my Mom found really) the fabric I was going to use for the back of our shadow box (I think I mentioned it in this post). However I work WAY more hours than normal this week so I'm not sure I'll be able to get any of it done. (besides the fact that I also need to mow our lawn) I'm not entirely sure when I'll be able to get back on track because I know that from now until New Years I'll only be working more not less.

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