Monday, May 4, 2015

Geeky Weekend Fun

It has been a really fun weekend for our household, starting with Free Comic Book Day on Saturday, opening of Avenger's: Age of Ultron, and now Star Wars Day. (May the Fourth. . .)

Free Comic Book Day

This is only the second year we've ever been to Free Comic Book Day and we had a great time. I had to work in the afternoon so we had time limit but we actually managed to swing by a couple of locations this year. Our first stop was Pop Culture Comics. It's close to home and they give an extra comic for each food item donated to Harvesters so you can help other and get a stack of books. We arrived shortly after they opened and there was already a line out the door but it moved very quickly. We got in choose our free comics, browsed a bit and made a purchase in around 30 minutes. There were quite a few family with kids there and it was fun to see how excited they were.

Free Comics- Plus Purchased Legend of the Guard Volume 2
Some have different comics on the back side
After that we had some extra time so we stopped at BBop Comics just to see if they had any different titles. We grabbed two more free books and purchased Lady Mechanika which I've looking for since I came acrossed it on Goodreads in 2013 and also a Wonder Woman comic. I was looking for the free Cleopatra in Space and Steampunk Goldilocks but either the were gone before we arrived or neither location had them to begin with, I know titles can vary by location.  Nonetheless we still have an impressive stack of comics to read over the next few day.

Age of Ultron at the Drive-in Movies

While I headed off to work my husband and some friends got together to play Star Wars Imperial Assault. Sunday we got up early to run some errands so the we had the evening free for a trip to the Boulevard drive-in to see Age of Ultron. We love the drive-in and make a point to go at least once every year. (Last year we went 5 times.) It seems like whenever we mention it there are people who didn't realize there were still any drive-ins around so if you've never been to the drive-in here's some reasons you should check it out.

1. The main reason to visit the drive-in is that it's very family friendly. 

Some of the other reasons will expand on this idea but generally its just fun for all ages. You can bring young kids and not have to worry about them crying or talking and disturbing other patrons. We've even seen people who brought the family dog along.

2.  It's cost effective, especially for a family. 

My husband remembers going to the drive-in as a kid because, as one of four at the time its was the only way they could afford to bring the whole family along. Our local movie theater charges $4.40 a person for a Matinee showing and the drive-in is $10 a person for a double feature. So a trip to the drive-in works out to about the same price as two matinees but still at night. If we went to an evening showing at the regular theatre it would cost us $6.40 apiece. Once you start adding in kids the drive-in wins hands down with kids 11 and under free versus $4.40 each at the regular theatre.

Note: This is based on prices for these 2 specific theatres prices in your area may not be the same.

3. You have control of the volume.

My mom constantly holds her fingers in her ears when we go to the regular movies because its to loud at the drive-in you can turn the speaker or radio in your car to whatever volume you want. During Ultron we had the radio up to the point that the floor shook a little if there was an explosion and that was pretty cool. You can even watch with no sound at all and make up your own dialogue. There's a lot of room for personal preference there.

4. You can bring your own food and still get fresh popcorn from concessions.

We have never gone to the drive-in with bringing dinner. For us it's usually a pizza or chinese take-out but any kind of picnic or take-out food would be fair game. There is a no grilling rule at the Boulevard but with a little planning it should be no problem to grab dinner from your favorite barbecue joint on the way over. If you're still hungry or need a drink refill you can go the concession stand for popcorn and other snacks.

Our trip this weekend included pizza and garlic bread, chocolate mini donuts and a bag of candy.

5. You can talk during movie or not.

Half the reason we like drive-in movies is that we can talk about what's happening without disturbing other people. Kids can ask questions without being shushed, babies can cry and you won't be asked to leave. If everyone in the car is like minded you can watch in perfect silence.

6. You can go in your PJs.

While there are some limits based on basic decency the drive-in is very causal. You could dress up for date night or just come in sweatpants. Plus since movies run late you bring the kids in their pjs and be ready for bed as soon as you get home.

7. Added Value from Bonus Activities

This may not be true for all drive-ins but the Boulevard frequently has additional attractions based on the current movies. For example, last summer they had local fire department trucks for Planes: Fire and Rescue and some of the cars from Transformers. The also had a fireworks display before the movies on July 4th.

8. Leg Room

When we go to the movies we back into the space and open up the tailgate. Throw a few cushions in the back and its like being at home stretched on the couch with your feet up. When we have kids we plan to take lawn chairs for us and leave the kids sprawled in the back.

9. You can enjoy the fresh air.

We like being outside and getting fresh air and this is a great way to enjoy the weather on a summer evening.

Weather Before Movies
Weather at Intermission

10. Festive Atmosphere

Going the drive-in is almost like a big neighbourhood party. Before the movies they have a camera up that surveys the crowd and projects it on the screen. You have people dancing to the music, waving at the camera and just hanging out having a good time. Lots of people, my husband included, have a certain nostalgia for the drive-in and you can kind of sense that feeling from the crowd.

To be fair there are a few downsides to the drive-in movie but in my opinion they are small.

1. Dark Scenes can be hard to see.

Sometimes if a scene is particularly dark it can be hard to see details on the drive-in screen. If I had to guess I'd say it has to do with other lights in the area.

2. Weather Factors

The Boulevard is open rain or shine and with our setup most weather isn't an issue, but high winds, heavy rain or other weather factors can be a problem. For one it decreased visibility somewhat and the wind can sometimes cause issues hearing but you can always turn up the volume.

3. Cash Only

This may not be true for all drive-in theatres but the Boulevard is a cash only business. This is barely worth mentioning as downside. Really not a big deal just takes a moment of pre-planning to stop by the atm or get cash back when we stop to grab dinner.

4. Trains

As you can see from my picture up there our drive-in is very close to train tracks. We usually don't have a problem but sometimes an ill-timed train whistle will cause you to miss bits of dialogue.

Drive-in movies are one of our favorite summer activities so if you've never been or even if its just been a while go check it out. They'll still be showing Age of Ultron next weekend and we know you want to see it more than once.

Star Wars Day

The final part of our weekend is today. (I know not technically part of the weekend but Mondays are my day off.) Because our regular Monday night gaming group is between games at the moment we're taking advantage of the timing to celebrate Star Wars day or May the Fourth Be With You by planning some old Star Wars board games from the 80s. Most of these have seen better days but I know they have all the pieces...even if one of them is a homemade replacement spinner.

Have a Great week and May the Fourth Be With You... Watch out tomorrow for the Revenge of the Fifth.

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