Monday, February 29, 2016

Crazy Week

I had a bit of a crazy week. On one hand nothing really that terrible happened. On the other hand a bunch of small things all piled up to make it kind of stressful overall. Thursday should have been an easy day at work but I ended up working with a single customer for over an hour and had to call my manager over for questions three separate times. Meanwhile there was only one other employee at the cutting counter trying to keep up with all the other customers. Plus,even though it was super warm last week, it snowed on my way to work.

Also we've been trying to save up to take my car in because I need to get my alignment fixed and this weekend my husband's service engine light and brake fluid lights came on. We've added brake fluid and that fixed one problem but the engine light is still on so now we have to get that checked out too.

We've also got all sorts of errands and cleaning that we need to get done for our Pi Day party so we were busy over the weekend as well. That being said we did get our invitations sent out and the wax seal worked wonderfully.


Hopefully we can get enough done so that we can relax and enjoy ourselves by next weekend... At least we had some nice sunsets this week.

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