Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentine's Day 2016

We had a nice quiet weekend for Valentine's Day so far. Friday night we ran some errands so we'd have more free time. Also my husband brought me a very pretty blue rose. Then Saturday we slept late then spent the afternoon hanging out with friends. It was the weekend of my husband's Pathfinder game but they had a session that was mostly downtime so I tagged along. Because I usually have to work Saturdays it gave me a chance to see some people I don't get to hang out with very often so it was nice.

For Valentine's Day itself we stayed in and had a Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon on Netflix and a delicious homemade fondue dinner. We made the fondue with aged white cheddar and gouda with Red's Green Apple Ale for the liquid. For dipping we sliced up some smoked sausage and apple.

We also had broccoli (blanched just a bit so it was easier to skewer) and pretzel bites that we made using this recipe. It's the same pretzels we made for Pi day last year and they are fantastic!

Everything turned out great and was a wonderful match with the cheddar flavor.

We both have tomorrow off as well and do have a few plans. Mostly we have plans to visit the library and make a tasty turkey for our Monday game night group. There will also be some requisite cleaning and work on our Pi day ideas.

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