Monday, February 8, 2016

Sick and Tired

So.... I'm sorry to say that I'm still sick. Not in a really sick need to stay home from work and focus on getting better way, but in a just have a cold and my nose hurts from blowing it too much and I'm too tired to do much besides read after I get off work kind of way.

Needless to say I accomplished nothing this weekend. I have several projects that I wanted to work on including more stitching and organizing our laundry room but, you know, stuff happens. Also since I spent a lot of time reading I found a character I'd like to cosplay (If I could ever find the time and money to go to a convention to cosplay at that is.) Atlanna, the mother of Arthur Curry/ Aquaman from the New 52 looks really badass. I also like that she's mostly covered up so I wouldn't feel too awkward about the fact that I'm getting pudgy around the middle.

Let's see, what else is going on with us? My husband is super unhappy because he has to report for jury duty today. We are starting to make plans for our 2nd annual Pi day party. At this point mostly work on the guest list so we know how many invites and favors we need to make.... and thinking about what kind of favors we want to make.

Not much else to talk about other than I took a bunch of cool cloud pictures yesterday while my husband aired his tires at the gas station.

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