Thursday, February 11, 2016

Miscellaneous Updates

I don't have any great impressive progress to show for this week but I do have lots of small stuff going on right now. First, and most exciting for me, I think I'm finally over my cold! After my husband was relieved from jury duty Monday we spent a cozy evening with books and cookies.

I ordered a great wax seal to use for our Pi Day invitations and it came in the mail today. That means everything is ready for us to start crafting. The Bardic Bear is ready to party.

In other super exciting party news, I got a great invite in the mail for the Johnson County Library Foundation's Stay Home and Read a Book Ball. It is a fundraiser for the library where all you have to do is read. You can dress up or stay in your pjs and share photos of your favorite books and reading spots. I'm still trying to decide what I want to read for the occasion but I am definitely planning to participate.

I love the Book/ Bowtie logo
I did make a little progress on my quilt square embroidery. The Zelda owl now has wings and part of his feather details.

Finally, my husband and I have three whole days off together this weekend! We actually don't have a lot of big plans but are looking forward to just hanging out. We plan to order a bunch of take-out for Valentine's Day and work on a few home improvement projects.

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