Thursday, December 31, 2015

Librocubicularist Dec. 2015

Holidays and Old Favorites

December is a busy time for a lot of people and our household is no exception. I work a retail job which means we are extra busy during this time so I tend to work extra hours and be extra tired. My husband's job is actually slightly less intense during the holidays but he doesn't get off work until most stores are closed so all of our errands and gift shopping need to be done on the weekends. The result is that neither of us have a ton of free time this month.

It doesn't leave much time for reading so trying to finish something new, especially in a limited time before it needs returned to the library, isn't very practical. So I spent this past month curled up with cats and a few old favorite books.

I re-read the Hobbit. Unlike a bunch of people I know who read the Hobbit as kids I don't think I read it until sometime in high school. It's a great book if you like fantasy stories and dragons which I definitely do. This time thru for some reason I noticed lots of little references to things in the larger world of Tolkien. Things like a random mention of fighting were worms of the Lost Desert... I mean, were worms? Really? What the heck is a were worm? Were Wyrm like a dragon shapeshifter maybe but its not spelled that way. Also brief discussion of different types of elves including dark elves which you never hear about again. It makes me curious to read more of Tolkien's stories. (I have only ever read the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings trilogy, and The Silmarillion)

I also read A Christmas Carol. Its not something that I do EVERY year but often. It helps me get in the holiday spirit and it's actually a really quick read. The final book that I re-visited this season is more of a New Years book. Since it's the end of the year I'm starting to think about things like resolutions, calendars, and journals. The last journal I made is really big and still mostly empty but I'm still considering making a new one so I checked out one of my favorite bookbinding books. Live & Learn: Real Life Journals: Designing & Using Handmade Books by Gwen Diehn is the book that I used to make my current journal and I love it. I would like to own it because it has all sorts of instructions for making various types of journals and ways to use them. If you've ever wanted to make your own journal I highly recommend it.

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