Friday, December 18, 2015

Opening Night

First of all I want to apologize for posting this so late. I ended up sleeping in much later than I expected after our late night.

Here's a picture of us ready to go in our new outfits.

I did get my hat finished but ended up only wearing it for these pictures because it was difficult to get on and off and I didn't want to deal with the hassle of removing it at the theatre. I plan to share how it was made on Monday even though its not perfect. Hopefully it can be an inspiration or starting point for someone else to make a better version. That being said here a shot that gives a closer view.

Also the pictures don't show how much of a difference the tulle underskirt makes. Here are pictures of the dress with and without the underskirt. 


Now on to the biggest question... What did we think of the movie?

We both really enjoyed the movie. And I'll admit it's really hard to talk about without giving any spoilers but here it goes. It is pretty emotional, exciting, funny, sad.  First of all we didn't notice any glaring plot holes or inconsistencies with the previous movies. Now sometimes in the excitement of a new release you miss stuff so there might be something that stands out when we see it again in a calmer setting. 

Second I feel like they did a good job with character development. The characters from the previous movies have motives and issues separate from the previous movies and the new characters introduced all have their own struggles apart from the bigger battle between the Resistance and First Order.

I'm very interested to see where they go from this point. The implications of the events here will have far reaching consequences for the whole galaxy.

Finally I wanted to talk a little about the 3D. We went all out and saw the Force Awakens in IMAX 3D and you may be wondering if its worth the extra expense. There is quite a bit of 3D but not the entire movie. Where it stands out the most, in my opinion, are the space battles and shots of the scenery. That beautiful shot from the preview with the X-wings flying over the lake, really awesome in 3D. But if you don't care about depth in mountain ranges or tie fighters flying off the screen if would be fine to skip it. I really enjoyed the 3D but it's still going to be a great movies without it.

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