Monday, December 28, 2015

Cats and Post Christmas Blahs

Christmas has been good so far. We actually have several gift exchanges still spread out over the next 2 weeks but Christmas day for the most part was just the two of us. This year seemed to highlight how well we know each other with our gift choices.

Nearly everyone at my husband's job has some form of nerf weaponry. Up to this point he had been unarmed in the wars. Now he has a shiny new rifle. He told me after opening it that he had just been talking about that particular model with people at work and showing it to everyone online. Now he has his very own.

I knew my husband ordered me a book because it came to the house in a Barnes and Noble box, but there are so many books it could have been. After it arrived we had a conversation about how I think I need to find time to play more video games. Specifically the two newest Zelda games which I have started but never finished. So when I opened up my gift on Christmas morning and saw the Hyrule Historia it was pretty awesome. I really do feel like my husband knows me better than I know myself sometimes.

I'm not sure how much of it is allergies, or just post Christmas blahs, but I haven't been feeling great this weekend. I've slept way more than I should have but still feel tired. Hopefully I get to feeling better before the start of the New Year so I get some craft stuff started or maybe get a jump on organizing my craft room. At any rate our cats have been pretty happy with all the snuggle time and we've taken some adorable pictures.

We got the tree skirt on so Baldur could sit under the tree properly.

Curry being calm and not attacking the tree for once.

Cuddling his little brother

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