Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year's Thoughts

Generally speaking if I feel like I need to make a change in my life I implement it asap instead of waiting around for something like new year's resolutions. However, New Years is still a good time to stop and think about what worked and what didn't from the previous year. 

This has been a pretty good year for us. We actually had a Valentine's Day celebration when it's usually just another day. We went camping and had the big Pi Day party in the spring. We had a great anniversary and I got lots of cool projects done. 

Going forward I want try and go out more, both with my husband and with friends. We went out to a couple of museums and movies and it was great. We have some regular game nights with friends but it would be nice to spend more time with them as well. We also keep meaning to send out Christmas cards but never seem to have addresses so I'm starting right now to make sure we have them for next year. It's the beginning of trying to keep in touch with some of our out of town friends. Although it doesn't involve going out I also want to get back into playing video games. It's actually been a while since I've played much. I'm already off to a good start because we bought Civilization: Beyond Earth during this year's Steam sale. I also want to try and finish a variety of half completed games that I've started over the years.

My second focus is to work on getting our house organized and fixed up. We have some repairs that need to be made as well as general lawn work that needs done. Our house could also use a very general decluttering and reorganizing, starting with my craft supplies. I've mentioned before that I have craft supplies spread out through at least  three separate rooms in the house. My first goal is to get everything organized and into one space. Which will hopeful help with my final resolution for the year.

While I haven't always had inspiration or time for projects this year I have really enjoyed the ones I have completed. I also feel like I've pushed myself to improve some of my crafting skills. Even though it feels like it took forever to finish I'm really proud of the Star Wars dress I made. It had all sorts of things that I had never done before. I actually took time to alter the pattern slightly for better fit, I used boning for the first time, and sewed with tulle for the first time among other things. I'd really like to continue to challenge myself and improve. Maybe take a class and learn new things. I already have a project in mind that will let me try out some bookbinding techniques that I've never tried before.

All in all I'm excited about the upcoming year.

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