Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fairy Tail Erza Hairbow

Since we have been invited to a Halloween party next week I've been trying to come up with costume ideas. And I have a plan. Hopefully an inexpensive and easy plan. But it's a plan that required me to buy gold fabric paint which is also the last thing I needed to finish my Erza hairbow. If you are interested in seeing the other Fairy Tail bows I made you can see them in these posts.

This cosplay hairbow is based on the character of Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail. 


Dark Blue Fabric
Silver Metallic Fabric
Matching Thread
Red Fabric Paint
Gold Fabric Paint
Freezer Paper
Hair Barrette

Step One: Cut Fabric

From the blue fabric cut two pieces 3.5 by 6 inches. From the silver fabric cut a piece 9 by 3 and also a 3 by 3.

Step Two: Paint

I used the freezer paper to make a stencil of the Fairy Tail logo and painted it using the red paint. After that dried I added the gold details. Be sure to keep the design on one half and leave room for sewing seams on the edges. Wait for everything to dry completely.

Step Three: Sew

Sew the blue pieces together, leaving an opening near the center on one long side. Turn it right side out and sew the opening closed. Fold the silver fabric in half, with the design on the inside. Sew the edges leaving an opening. Turn right side out and stitch closed. Also fold the 3 by 3 silver piece in half and sew one side. Turn it right side out and iron flat. Be careful when you iron and use a pressing cloth. I didn't and ended up smudging the paint a bit when I ironed it.

Step Four: Assemble Bow

Layer the silver on top of the blue and wrap the small silver piece around the center and sew closed. Then sew the whole thing onto your barrette.

I have to admit that this one isn't actually completely finished. It took longer for the paint to dry then I expected. I also couldn't decide if I wanted the center to be silver or blue... Maybe you can help me decide? Check out the picture below to see it with the blue.

1 comment:

  1. I'd say add the blue in the center. It seems to help bring it all together with the blue on the ends.
