Monday, October 19, 2015

Workplace Woes

I took a break from pretty much everything this past weekend. Saturday, on my way to work, I had a customer run into me as a came around the corner. I'm sure it was an accident, it was a high school aged girl and for whatever reason she was running down an aisle, and hit me as I came out of a side aisle. I got knocked sideways into a shelf and really I'm fine but my hand got a bit scraped up and my side hurts still. I don't have any bruising or anything so we're pretty sure everything is fine but decided it would be better to take things easy for a while.

This is my hand a full day later and it actually doesn't look so bad in this picture. Right after it happened I was afraid it was going to end up bruised but thankfully it didn't. There was a layer of skin that got scraped off but but only a tiny scratch that actually bleed.

Meanwhile I have everything ready to start work on our Halloween costumes. I'm not going to say what they are but here are our supplies... People who know us well might be able to make a good guess but I hope to have everything finished to show you on Thursday.

We also stopped while we were out running errands and picked up a few of the current Lego minifigures. I was hoping to get either a gargoyle or a banshee but we ended up with two plant monsters and a zombie pirate. Zombie pirate is pretty cool and I'm okay with the plant monster as well I just wish we hadn't gotten two of them.

So anyways... Hopefully I will be feeling all better by Friday because my husband and I have time off to celebrate our anniversary. We also have a Halloween party and were going to work on get our house decorated for the holiday this weekend.

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