Thursday, March 10, 2016

Winds of Change

Things around our house will be changing very soon... But they are changing by choice and that makes a huge difference.

I grew up in house that had fish and maybe crabs for pets. My husband grew up with both cats and dogs as well as some other pets thrown in here and there. Since before we were married he's been wanting a new dog. We didn't get on right away mostly because we lived in an apartment but also because I think he was trying to ease me into this pet thing. (As I've mentioned he gave me my first pets, two kittens.) Most recently we've been putting off getting a dog until we could fix the fence at our new house. We moved in October so we put it off until spring...

Now it's spring again, just 6 years later, and we've decided to stop putting things off.

Spring Thunderstorms
So our house has seen quite the flurry of activity this past week. Measuring for and price checking fence parts, meeting dogs available for adoption, checking out places and things we may need to puppy proof. All of that and more.

We are looking for a puppy because our cats are more than a little freaked out by large dogs. We hope that by getting a pup while it's still small will help them adjust. However that means lots of time training and working with the new dog in addition to regular walks. My husband is actually excited about having the whole thing and I'm looking forward to spending more time outside. I am a bit stressed out by how quickly things are changing but I think its all for the good and am trying to go with the flow. As of now we haven't found the right dog for us but we are meeting a puppy this morning and we'll see how it goes. 

While preparations for the dog seem to be running almost TOO smoothly the rest of the week has been a bit off. After my follow up appointment on Monday for my ear infection I ended up needing to drive my husband to work because we couldn't find his keys. After that I set out to finish up the favors for our Pi Day celebration this weekend. We had intended to make a few extras just in case but when I tried to buy the extra supplies the store didn't have any. So I headed over to the library to work finish what we had and released I forgot the flash drive with the file. After a quick trip home and back during rush hour time I did manage to finish all we need for our guests.

Then while waiting to pick my husband up from work, I accidently left my headlights on and killed my car battery. We did get to watch a group of deer come out for a snack while we waited for someone to drive out and help us start the car. These aren't very good photos because they were taken in the dark with my phone but there were 5 deer total. It was pretty cool and helped make up for the rough day. I have also managed to lock my keys in the car this week but thankfully I was already home and had family nearby with a spare. It's been a bit of an overwhelming week but we are ready to relax with friends on Pi Day this weekend.

Plus if anyone has tips on helping keep our cats calm and happy while they adjust to their new sibling, I'd be glad to hear them.

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