Monday, March 14, 2016

New Puppy!

I mentioned last week that we had decided to go ahead and work towards getting a dog. Well my husband has already found the right pup for us and he came with us Thursday morning.

Allow me to introduce Baron Gilgamesh Wulfenbark.

He is named after Gilgamesh Wulfenbach from the comic Girl Genius and we are calling him Gil. He was adopted from Unleashed Pet Rescue, which is the same place we adopted our cat Curry. He is just over two months old and is a German Shepard/ Rottweiler mix.

He seems like he is going to be a great dog. My husband has most of this week off so he can bond and also work on house training him. It's too early to really say much about his personality but he seems pretty calm and hasn't barked a lot. He's scared of our cats right now and also the vacuum cleaner. We took him out to Petco and Petsmart and he did great although he doesn't like riding in the car much yet. He had a few tummy troubles Friday night as a result of too much excitement and new food. He came over and curled up in my lap and it was adorable.

The cats are adjusting about as well as we'd hoped. They still hiss at him sometimes but are starting to move from hatred into silent judging. Our biggest cat is larger than Gil and swatted at him so Gil is very nervous when he gets too close.  After a few weeks everyone should be calmed down and living peacefully.

Here is Gil, playing with a cat toy, while the cats look down in judgment.

We did still have our Pi Day party on Saturday and Gil was the star of the show. I actually didn't get any pictures during the event this year but will post about our favors a bit later.

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