Monday, March 7, 2016

Book Ball 2016

I was home sick with a serious ear infection at the end of the week. My ear and the whole side of my face swelled up. I went to the Dr. right away and I have antibiotics. I had a follow up appointment this morning and it is clear up. As long as I finish all my antibiotics I should be fine. 

This was the weekend of the Johnson County Library's Stay Home and Read a Book Ball so I had a great reason to take it easy. It was such a beautiful weekend that we thought about reading outside but it was much too windy.

8 mph wind is bad for books.
We were out at the library Makerspace on Saturday and made sure we had enough books for us both to read and room on the couch for us and all the books plus the cats.

My Spot

Husband's Books

My Books
We had a really great day just relaxing and hanging out reading together. We opened the windows to enjoy the warmer weather and it was great.

Thanks to the Makerspace I even had the perfect bookmark for my Girl Genius book.

I will be spending more time there this afternoon finishing the rest of our favors for Pi Day. Its really a great place, you should stop in and check it out.

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