Monday, June 29, 2015

Woodland Creature Quilt

This weekend I spent some time getting ready to start an new project and digging up all the fabrics to make sure I had everything in the same place ready to go. A couple of months ago I came across several coordinating fabrics with adorable forest critters. My original thought was to make some sort of bag or purse with them.

Main Fabric

Companion Prints

Eventually I found other woodland fabrics and extended the idea to making a small throw blanket or quilt. The fabrics are mostly from the nursery section and very pastel so I wanted to add something to make it more adult.

Other Coordinates
Backing Fabric (It's super soft!)

I decided I want to add blocks with embroidery where I use the basic outlines from the fabric and add details to transform them into video game animals. I haven't actually started working on the drawings for the embroidery designs yet because I'm still trying to decide on the characters to use. Right now the list looks something like this:

Fox- Fox McCloud from Star Fox
Owl- the owl from Legend of Zelda at the exit      from Kokiri Forest 
Hedgehog- Sonic the Hedgehog
Raccoon- Rocket Raccoon

I know Rocket Raccoon isn't a video game character but I still like him and all you have to do is add a big gun to that little raccoon, no need to change his shape at all. The only rabbit characters I can think of are Peppy from Star Fox and the Raving Rabbids and I don't really want to use either of those. Right now I'm leaning toward using Swift Heart from the Care Bear cousins but I'd love to hear any suggestions someone else might have.

I haven't actually laid out any kind of design or plan for the layout yet but the fabric I have for the back is 60 x 72 so that's the maximum size. If I end up needing more squares I can add other things like an Arwing ship, a tiny Groot, or maybe a Butterfree or some bird type Pokemon.

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