Monday, June 29, 2015

Kitten Update

We have officially decided to name the new kitten Curry after Arthur Curry/ Aquaman. Our other three cats hate water and even though they sometimes get in the tub they jump right back out if it is even slightly wet. Curry on the other hand was curious about my husband's shower the other day and jumped in on his own to investigate. He stayed for just a minute to look around before casually climbing back out.

Our big cat Parker has been the picture of patience this past weekend. Curry doesn't really like to be left alone and has been following us from room to room. Anytime either of us sits down he wanted to climb up on our shoulders and rub his head on our faces. While that's adorable it makes if a bit difficult to get anything done. Since Parker has been the most tolerant so far we started setting Curry beside him when he got really needy to see if he would snuggle with him instead of us. Parker would sit there patiently and let Curry climb all over him until he would get too close to Parker's face. At that point he would very politely get up and walk away, no hissing or swatting at Curry. Eventually they cuddled together on top of our cat tower. This video shows how tolerant Parker has been.

After this Curry finally settled down and they took a super cute nap together.

His stomach seems to have settled down as we havn't seen as much vomiting and he keeps trying to eat the big cats food. Last night he even tried to push Balder aside to get to his bowl. We are still feeding him wet kitten food so the big cats keep trying to eat his food as well. We usually take him into our spare bedroom so he can eat uninterrupted. He still wants to snuggle with us whenever he can but settled down and slept next to my husband most of the night Saturday. Our other cats are getting better but still aren't super keen on Curry. Our most vocal complaints come from Caramel, who had never liked change, but I did manage to snap a photo of them reasonably close together and peaceful. (Excuse the quality, it's a phone picture.)

We hope that very soon everything will settle down and all the cats will be able to peacefully coexist.

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