Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Never Rains but it Pours

It has not been the best week for us here at the Bardic Bear, if I could hit rewind and do the whole week over I might. But then again for at least part of the week's problems that wouldn't help matters any.

All of our problems are the fault of this endless rain.

To start with our yard is in dire need of maintenance and the rain only fuels the growth of the underbrush. Last Wednesday I tried to work on getting our backyard under control but the grass was too tall and too wet so the mower kept choking up and dying. I worked for about 20 minutes before finally giving up and only managed to clear about 6 feet along the length of the house. However apparently that swath contained poison ivy because by Friday night both of my legs were blotchy and itchy.

Back my Ankle

The other major problem we are dealing with is that apparently all the rain has caused some sort of leak or something and our spare room and hallway are partially flooded. We aren't entirely sure where the water is coming from. There is a door near there, leading to a small side patio, and we think it is coming from there. Possibly caused by clogged gutters . . .  If either of us were ever home when it happened we could get a better idea.

Light=Dry    Dark=Wet

 It cleared up for a while tonight and was able to do some quick, emergency gutter clearing but they still need more work. Hopefully that will at least help. Ideally we would replace all of our gutters and add some type of leaf guard so we don't have to worry about the clogs but we just don't have the spare money at the moment. The gutter drains into some kind of buried pipe that's supposed to move the water away from the house but it's not doing very well and our whole front yard is a swamp. That pipe in the center of the photo below is supposed to be draining water away from our house but I don't think it's doing much good at the moment.

So at the moment I'm not working on any crafting projects. I'm just trying not to drown or scratch my legs off, although the rash is starting to look scabbed so hopefully it will gone soon and I will have at least one less worry.

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