Thursday, April 2, 2015

Curtain Week or Unexpected Free Time

This week has been kind of a strange one around here... I am only scheduled to work one day this week and that day was Tuesday. Since I have some extra free time I felt like I should take advantage of the situation and get big projects done. We have lived in this house for over 5 years now and still have several rooms that just have the plain blinds that were up when we moved in. I have fabric to
make curtains for 3 rooms that's been sitting in the closet for almost that long. My goal is to complete the curtains before the start of next week.

I used my day on Monday to try and get the everyday housework under control. I did all the laundry, washed dishes, even put some of our winter coats into storage. During one of my trips down the hall I was startled by not one but two snakes. We have been really lucky thus far in that our cats have always waylaid any snakes before they get far enough into the house to find. Previously we thought they were getting in by our back patio door but this pair was by a side door....right by our bedroom. Although we suspect that the snakes came in the same way and were dragged over by the cats we don't really know for sure and it's definitely time to take preventative steps. No one wants to step on a snake while still only half awake! In addition to the yard work and weather stripping triggered by snakes we are also facing some plumbing issues. A few weeks ago the water pressure in our bath went out. The shower works okay but there's only a tiny trickle of water when you try to use the bath. So we are trying to figure that out.

This is all a very roundabout way of saying, when I got home from work Tuesday I didn't really feel like doing much of anything. However in the back of my mind I knew that I needed to have something to post about, so after a short break I got out my fabrics. After years spent folded in the closet all the fabric needed ironed before anything else could be done. So I ironed, confirmed the amounts of fabric I had, and re-measured all of the windows. I admit that it wasn't a significant amount of work but it was something active, something that will help us to enjoy our house a little better, and that was my goal in starting a blog.

Fabric Before Ironing

It was really nice to have everything ready to go when I got up on Wednesday morning. I ended up needing to iron everything a second time with steam to get rid of all the creases, but I was able to get the curtains for our bedroom completely finished. (Sewn anyways, we still need to put up the rod to hang them.) We only have one small window in there and it looks right onto our neighbours side porch light so we needed a blackout lining. I also decided that I wanted to try and make the window seem bigger so the curtain is actually larger than it needs to be. The curtains are a very simple style so all I did was lay the fabric and lining out and sew them together.

I started out by evening out the edges and putting a small hem on both sides. I did the best I could to keep the lining and fabric even but my table isn't quite big enough to lay it all flat at once. After that I folded the top edge over a few times to make a pocket for the curtain rod. Then finally I hemmed the bottom edge. On the top and sides I sewed the fabric and lining together but on the bottom hem I sewed just the fabric. Everything is set up so that when we pull the curtain it looks like it covers a big window but when its open everything pushes to one side so the window is completely uncovered letting in as much light as possible. Below is a diagram showing where the brackets for the rod will go in relation to the window.

I should be able to finish that up with no problem tomorrow as well as a roman shade using the black cherry blossom fabric above for our office. Depending on how long that takes I have a more complicated set of curtains for our dining room using the fabrics below. We'll see how it goes since I also have a couple of really interesting library books and inspiration for a cool carrying case for roleplaying game supplies.

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