Monday, April 6, 2015

Curtain Week Part 2 or How I Procratinate

I am still a work in progress.  I decided to start writing about my projects to help curb my tediency to procrastinate. So far I have been doing fairly well and have gotten more done in the past month than I have for quite a while. I have two main ways in which I procrastinate. The first is that I overplan, constantly tweaking things so that I never get around to actually starting the project. The second problem is that I start something then am inspired by a new idea and end up abandoning the current undertaking to start an entirely new venture.

Our Window Before
I apologize for the poor quality of pictures this time around. The only source of light in our bedroom is the window and a single overhead light. So trying to get good pictures (especially of the closed curtain) was really tricky.

My plans for this week suffered from a combination of the second problem and the constant call of library books.Wednesday night I stayed up much too late reading The Book Thief and slept in on Thursday. I even read in bed for a while before I actually got up. When I finally did get up in the morning I installed the curtain rod and hung our bedroom curtains but then it was time for lunch. After I realized that I had a bunch of books due Monday that I hadn't even looked at so I spent most of the afternoon reading BiblioCraft , which set off inspiration for a series of other projects. Somewhere in there I also made a trip to Lowes for snake repellant and some other supplies to try and get our yard cleaned up so its less of a snake paradise.

Window After
 Of course because I slept in I wasn't sleepy at bedtime and stayed up too late reading again. The combination of that and the new light blocking curtain in the bedroom meant I slept way later than intended on Friday. I'm ashamed to admit it was almost past lunch time before I got out of bed. As soon as I got up I went down the street to my parents for a little bit to return their drill. (Borrowed quite some time ago but very recently used to hang curtain rods.) By the time I left and actually got myself some lunch it was almost 3. Now for those of you who don't know that actually not as late as it sounds because Bear works an 11am-8pm shift so it's usually around 9 when we have dinner but anyways....

After lunch I used my rotary cutter to even up the edges on the fabric for the office window. I hemmed up all the side but when I held it up to the window it was slightly too narrow so I had to rip out the sides. That was frustrating so I waited until after dinner to iron out the old seams and sew it up again.

Saturday was kind of a special day for us since I normally have to work a closing shift but this week had the day off. We spent a good part of the morning cleaning up brush and leaves along the side of our yard to help curb the snake incursions. The rest of the day was pretty much dedicated to relaxing and enjoying the extra time together. We went grocery shopping together which seems like a chore but we both really enjoy it. We grilled a turkey for dinner and had a long discussion about possible adventure ideas for a Pathfinder Campaign he's getting ready to run. Sunday was a combo of laziness and chores. We woke up reasonably early but took our time getting started with our work for the day which was mostly washing dishes with a little other light cleaning. I ended up doing sink load of dishes while my husband fixed up some delicious homemade quesadillas. After lunch he played some games while I surfed the internet for pictures to use in my next project. Finally we finished up the weekend with a nice glazed ham and scratch-made scalloped potatoes for Easter dinner with my parents. We also had strawberry cake and my husband's new favorite drink, Blackberry Ginger Ale.

It was really nice to have some down time with my husband and I promise I'll get those curtains done someday. Hope Everyone had a Happy Easter.

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