Thursday, November 5, 2015

Star Wars Crunch Time

I never got around to searching my cabinet for the missing quilt squares but that's alright because that project is officially on hold. In fact all craft projects are on hold except for work on our Star Wars opening night outfits. I had intended to start them way before now but I havn't so now I feel a little bit time crunched. I know there's more than a month but I'm slow sometimes.

First of all I needed to find the fabric I bought way back when. I found the black I got for my husband but not the blue piece I thought I bought for myself. After searching everywhere I thought I might have fabric I'm beginning to question whether or not I really did actually buy it. However I have reviewed what I did find and come up with a revised plan that I think will be even better.

The Darth Vader fabric is for Bear's shirt and the other two will be used with plain black to make a dress for me. If I have time I also want to make a petticoat for underneath and a fascinator style hair clip with the Death Star on it. I may be biting off more than I chew with this because I didn't realize when I chose my pattern that it uses boning which is something I've never done before. It's also something that my Mom has never done before and she's my go to person for sewing questions and advice. I'm really excited about it but it could turn out terrible, either way I'm pushing forward. The first step was to wash everything so that it does any shrinking before I sew it, and then iron it all smooth again. 
5 yards to iron....

All of which is easy enough if you have uninterrupted time and a regular ironing board. It becomes more difficult when all you have is a small countertop ironing board and three cats who want to "help".

I also started to cut out all the pattern pieces but I haven't gotten very far yet. I like to keep the option to be able to reuse a pattern later in another size so I don't cut along all the pattern lines. I usually just fold the pieces down to the size I currently need and cut along that line, like in the picture below.

However with this pattern I think I'm going to have to revise that plan and use some transfer paper to mark the design to cut out. Otherwise there is no way I'm ever going to get this piece right...

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