Thursday, November 12, 2015

Progress Report

Due to work and the fact that we spent a good part of the day at the zoo on Sunday I havn't made a ton of progress with my sewing but it is coming along. I have finished approximately one-third of the instructions and the bodice is mostly done.

 I might be further along if the cats hadn't insisted on helping

To be honest I've been procrastinating a bit this week because I'm feeling a little depressed about Thanksgiving. I've actually been meaning to make a post about it but can't quite decide how to best articulate my thoughts. What it boils down to is that we have zero plans for Thanksgiving. My husband's family mostly lives in Colorado and because I work retail I can't any time off to travel for the holiday. My parent live just down the street but they will be spending Thanksgiving out of town visiting my brother and niece. My brother is also unable to get time off this time of year.

There's a whole campaign online to boycott stores that are open on Thanksgiving day so that hopefully they will stop and their employees can spend time with their families. And I completely approve of this. I try to be thankful that I don't have to work on Thanksgiving Day itself. But when you work the day before and open at 6 am the day after it doesn't leave any room for travel so I still am unable to visit anyone. We are considering having a dinner with friends but know that most of them have family dinners of their own to attend.

At any rate I have a few days off this weekend and hopefully I can make significant progress on my dress and maybe take some time to focus on the things I have to be thankful for rather than on our lack of celebration.

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