Monday, November 16, 2015

Catching up on Reading

The main part of my dress is completed! 

Well mostly anyway. I made a mistake putting in the invisible zipper and it needs to be redone.

After that all I have to do is finish the lining and the straps. While I've never made a dress with boning before it doesn't look super complicated. However the shoulder strap has a weird pleat that seems tricky... Anyways I'm hoping that another day or two of work should be enough to finish it. Then I can move on to making the shirt for my husband and some accesories.

Meanwhile I've been doing a little reading to prepare for the movie as well. While we were at Target a while back we came across a set of books with the subtitle Journey to the Force Awakens. Since then I've looked for more information and checked the library. I haven't been able find exactly how many books are included but they are supposed to include hints about the upcoming movie. The three that I have read so far are listed as Juvenile fiction and focus on events between A New Hope and Return of the Jedi.

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