Thursday, August 6, 2015

Lazy Summer Days

Things have been pretty quiet around here this week. After being out of town for the weekend our Monday was packed full of errands. We needed groceries for the week and had an appointment with the Vet to get Curry the last of his kitten shots.

He's doing pretty well, getting along great with all the other cats now. A few weeks ago when we took him in we found out that he has ringworm and picked up some medication. So far the other cats have mostly avoided getting any spots but there have been a few. At Monday's visit we confirmed that everything is clearing up just fine. We still haven't unpacked everything from our trip or shelved the books we got at the Half-price Clearance sale in the morning before we left.

With the rain and the clouds its been difficult to get motivated for much of anything but I spent part of yesterday afternoon finishing up the map for my husband's game Saturday. The house has three stories and a basement which are all complete and ready to go.  I haven't added any of the color that I was hoping to do but I still have some time to work on it.

I've also been trying to finish putting together the Lego display that I posted about back at the start of June. When I tried to move it the hot glue fell apart so I needed to redo the entire thing. I keep meaning to post an update with information about what type of glue works best and a picture of the whole thing actually hanging on the wall but for one reason or another I've never gotten around to finishing it. The picture below shows the final layout but only a few pieces are currently glued down.

My plans for this upcoming week involve starting the embroidery for my quilt. I purchased the fabric the other day and it looks like embroidery floss is on sale this weekend so I can get all the colors I need. I just have to find a way to transfer the designs and get busy stitching.

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