Thursday, March 19, 2015

Pi Day

Last year my husband I backed a Kickstarter for Fantasy Coins and ordered a pile of awesome metal gaming coins. Ever since they arrived we have been looking for excuses to use them and show them off. We came up with the idea to use them for a geeked out poker night and this years Pi Day offered a perfect date for the party. Basically we decided to have a super geeky poker night.

Some of our Kickstarter coin loot
If you've never heard of Pi Day it occurs on March 14th and honors the mathematical constant pi. This year is special because at 9:26:53 the date and time represent the first 10 digits of pi.

Check out this article on Wikipedia if you want to learn more about how the celebration got started.

The first thing we did was invite a bunch of friends using fancy scroll invitations. We decided to turn our house into a Dungeons and Dragons style tavern for the party and decided on the name Bardic Bear in honor of my husband. I typed up the invitations using a medieval font and then used coffee to stain the papers. Below is the text minus some private information.

The Proprietor of the Bardic Bear Tavern requests your presence for a very special Pi Day Celebration.

Festivities begin at the tavern (located at -----) around 4:30 in the afternoon and reveals are expected to continue late into the night.

Scheduled entertainments include rounds of At the Red Dragon Inn/ Three Dragon Ante as well general comradely around the gaming table.

A feast of various hors d'oeuvre as well as pie in both pizza and dessert varieties will be provided. However guests are encouraged to supplement the feast with their own favorite pies and beverages.

Close up of coffee stained paper
To do the staining I used a cookie sheet with a lip on it and crumbled the paper and painted the coffee on with a brush. After letting it sit for about 20 minutes I drained off any extra liquid and baked them on my lowest oven setting to dry them out. Then I painted some small dowels gold and glued one to each end of the invitation. Finally I rolled them up around the dowels and tied each one with a bit of ribbon. The result was awesome scroll invites for everyone.

Finished Invitations
The next projects we tackled had to do with decorating our house for the party. I created a logo for the tavern that we used for a couple of different things. I used a google image search to find a picture of a bear with his arm raised so he looks like he's singing or maybe performing some kind of monologue. This is the finished product:

We used this to make a tavern sign for our front door. We also put up this cool cardboard trophy head with papers underneath for a guest book. We also made a sign for our office door. This was a very necessary decoration because we have three cats one of whom will get into food and trash every chance she gets. They were contained in the office and had their own little party with toys and fluffy blankets to nap on.

The Pi Day Party was awesome. We had a buffet set up with stuff for sandwiches and guests brought pie. There's a nearby pizza place that makes a 30 inch party pizza that we have been looking for a reason to order and that was the main course. We had to bring it in through a window... 

Party Pizza: Before
Some of the male guest took this as a challenge and tried to defeat it but we still had leftovers. Even after we sent people home with leftovers.
Party Pizza: Aftermath
We had enough expansions of At the Red Dragon Inn that we could have 9 people playing at once. That was set up at the dining room table with our Kickstarter coins as the money. We also had a small coffee table with some other games in the living room.

We all hung out played games and ate pizza. It was fantastic. The party ended up lasting about 6 hours and every guest went home with a commemorative drinking glass. (More about this in my next post.) We hope to turn it into an annual event and are already talking over ideas for next year. Possibilities include pot pies, a build your own pizza bar, and Bardic Bear t-shirts.
Pi Day Party Favors

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