Friday, March 20, 2015

First Day of Spring

It's the first day of spring and I super excited that its finally warm outside. I don't have to wear a big bulky coat all the time and we can open the windows and get some fresh air in the house. Unfortunately warmer weather brings its own problems to our house. We've already found a snake in our dining room...

Some where around our back door we have a gap just big enough to let small garter snakes inside. Our three cats think this is amazing! Mostly we find dead snakes with the cats batting at them but too often they are alive and trying to escape to hide in the house. (Still I suppose this is better than finding dead snakes that have been hidden.) Now that is warm hopefully we can find time and money to replace the weather stripping and that should help.

Waiting for a new toy
Our yard needs a bunch of work right now. Some brush clearing, some leaf removal, and clean up of all the junk that had blown into our yard from elsewhere over the winter months. But our flowers are starting to bloom and I can't wait to get the patio spruced up and enjoy some time reading outside.

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