Thursday, July 16, 2015

My Favorite Webcomics

This week has been a little busy. All of our cats are sick and sneezing. We hope that they just have a cold and will be able to get over it soon. Curry has an appointment with the vet this Saturday to get the last of his shots so we'll see what we can find out. The other thing that's been distracting me is the fact that my husband's birthday is coming up this weekend so we have been trying to make plans for that. We really aren't doing anything special but we have a three day weekend together so we can go out and do some stuff but still have time to just hang out and do nothing together. I am still working on my quilt plan but it may be a while before I have enough done to give a proper update.

My stash of library book inspiration
In the meantime I thought that I'd share some of my favorite comics to read online. Here's my top 4.

Number 4: The Gamercat

Gamercat is an adorable comic about a cat who loves video games. There's also a cast of supporting characters including a kitten named Glitch who is a little bit like a little brother.

Number Three: Breaking Cat News

Breaking Cat news is about a trio of cats that report on all the news in the cat world. If you have cats you'll recognize a lot of things from their news stories. The cats are based on the artists cats and each have their own distinct personalities and quirks. The panel below is from one of my favorites, my cats always make sure my toes are roasty when I'm sick.

Number Two: Atomic Robo

Atomic Robo is about a robot built by Nikola Tesla. Robo is sentient and runs a modern scientific research company called Tesladyne. The jumps around in time and covers a wide variety of stuff from Robo fighting in World War II to modern day battles against his nemesis, Dr. Dinosaur.

Number One: Girl Genius

Girl Genius is the most difficult comic on this list to describe but also my favorite. Its basically about steampunk mad scientists but much more complicated and awesome. This comic has a little bit of everything...action, adventure, romance, science, clanks (robots), various monsters (Jagers), and recently talking bears (which I think are awesome), a talking castle, the king of all cats, and an evil talking train... I could keep going with this list but you get the idea. Girl Genius is also the source of some of my favorite quotations such as "Any plan where you lose your hat... is a bad plan." and this one from the novelization of the comic, "People keep giving me rings,"she confided to him, "But I think a small death ray might be more practical."

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