Monday, July 13, 2015

Lego At Powell Gardens

Yesterday morning we headed out for Powell Gardens pretty early in the morning. It's about an hours drive from where we live and we wanted to get there before it got to hot and muggy. We specifically went to see the Nature Connects Lego sculptures but we also wandered around the garden in general. The sculptures are arranged to form 14 scenes created by artist Sean Kenney and are on display until September 7.

We don't get out to the garden often because it's such a long drive but we always spend most of our time at the Island Garden when we do. I love taking pictures of waterlilies and my husband likes to listen to the sound of the waterfall.

When I stepped forward to get a close-up of these little ducklings I noticed something hiding in one of the nearby lilies.

We usually don't take the time to climb up the Silo Overlook but we decided it might be nice to go up and enjoy a little bit of breeze yesterday. The Quilt Garden had grown up quite a bit since the last time I looked down on it. It's pretty impressive.

By the time we hit all the Lego scenes it was getting very hot and we were ready to head home and have some lunch. To see more pictures of our visit stop by Eclectic Otter's facebook page.

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