Monday, February 20, 2017

What happened here?

I don't know what happened to the end of January, seriously it just blew by. I made the giant list of projects to try to make decisions about what to work on next a bit easier but then my spare time seemed to evaporate. I know that January's final week was spent preparing my husband for a sudden business trip. He needed a bag and a haircut and who know what all other little things we had to rush to get ready. Then he was gone for most of the next week which, in theory, should have given me loads of spare time to do stuff. What really happened is that I felt sorry for our puppy and couldn't bring myself to but him to bed for craft time when he was feeling a bit stressed by the situation. Gil actually did really well with the separation except for checking outside several extra times a day looking for someone.

I wasn't completely idle in that week, though. I did some work getting ready for our Pi Day party, working on invitations and such but I don't want to share that here until closer to the event. I also downloaded the Project Life app and tried it out, making a quick page about Gil and I hanging out watching tv together.

I had lots of things I was going to work on but then Gil was doing so well and getting along with the cats and I didn't want to make him go to bed just for me to sew. The second week of February I was going to start sewing my Wonder Woman shorts but for some reason, I didn't do it at the beginning of the week. I also intended to try making a hat for our bear head to wear on Pi Day but then at the end of the week, I got sick. I spent all weekend achy and coughing and finally went to the doctor on Tuesday to find out I have Bronchitis.

I am finally starting to feel better but still get tired if I try to do anything real active for a long time. I have about a week of antibiotics left to take but I'm not coughing anywhere near as much. I can also sleep in my regular position instead of propped up almost sitting and I can eat and drink without it making my throat hurt.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you and Gil got some quality time and that you are feeling better.
