Thursday, May 14, 2015

Work In Progress- Gm's Notebook

I've been a little off this week so forgive me if this post gets a bit rambly and confusing.  Also I don't have good pictures related to this post but I've been trying to get more exercise by stopping for a walk on the way home so I'm just going to share some picture I've taken on my walks these past few weeks.

My husband had some unexpected time to prep for his game because the last session was canceled while some players were out of town. Since they only meet every other week this gave him a month between sessions. We have been attempting to take advantage of this time by making him a GMing notebook.

Actually what we ended up with was a notebook for keeping information about his world and a separate calendar/planner for tracking events in game.

 Right now the notebook has 7 tabs all with folders for holding extra papers or pictures he might find inspiring. 

1. History- a place to write about historical events like great battles and the origins of the world

2. Religion- list of the worlds gods, creation myth, and information about how people worship

3. Organization- includes some info about organized religion but also knightly orders, guilds, criminal organizations and so on

4. Nations- different countries and their customs, import/ export information, type of government, etc

5. Maps

6. Magic-  place to keep track of unique magic items created just for his world, maybe some custom spells eventually

7. Campaign- where he'll keep notes about adventures, notes on players and npc's

The planner part if more what he'll use to take notes during game. The plan is to set it up like a regular day planner where it has both a monthly and weekly calendars. The monthly calendar will be for marking uneventful days of travels, keeping track of phases of the moon, and also in game holidays. I've found a nice blank calendar so we can fill in the dates and month names as we go since I don't know if he wants to create new names for the months or not. Each month also has a small space for notes.

The weekly calendar is a two page spread I made using Photoshop with check boxes for marking weather, space to make notes about game events, and a spot to reference other campaign notes.

The idea behind the thing one the left is to make a quick check mark wherever the desired row and column meet. So for example severe rain or no clouds. It needs some kind of grid or maybe actual check boxes because right now it could be hard to tell which column a check was in, especially if you got in a hurry. We also plan to add some lists for naming things on the fly. Male and Female npc names, tavern names, guild names, town names, etc.

Here are some other sites you can check out for additional inspiration in creating a notebook of your own.

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